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MWC 2025

Korea Pavilion

Reserve a meeting with Korean companies and discover the finest innovation ecosystem worldwide!

Korea Pavilions in MWC 2025


About us


Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency(KOTRA), is responsible for supporting Korean companies to expand abroad and opening new markets. Founded in 1962, KOTRA belongs to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of Korea, and has 131 offices in 85 countries across the world. 

KOTRA’s Main activities include supporting Korean exporting companies, discovering new business areas overseas and promoting investment opportunities in Korea to foreign investors.

Start business with Korea

KOTRA (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency) will be your biggest supporter

Jeronimo Gracián
Jeronimo GraciánSubdirector of Kotra Madrid
" Korea is one of the most advanced countries in ICT Sector "
Pablo R. Lago
Pablo R. LagoMarketing Specialist
"Contact us! We can help you with starting business with Korea"
Elena Jo
Elena JoMarketing Specialist
Reach out for support in growing your business with Korea!
Jeronimo Gracián
Jeronimo GraciánSubdirector of Kotra Madrid
" Korea is one of the most advanced countries in ICT Sector "
Pablo R. Lago
Pablo R. LagoMarketing Specialist
"Contact us! We can help you with starting business with Korea"
Elena Jo
Elena JoMarketing Specialist
Reach out for support in growing your business with Korea!


Get in Touch

Information about Data Protection
  • Data Controller: KOTRA (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency)
  • Data Controller Address: Hamburg / Axel-Springer-Platz 3, Haus B, 1. Stockwerk, 20355
  • Purpose of processing personal data: data will be used to be able to attend to your requests and offer you our services.
  • Marketing and Communication: we will only send you advertising with your previous consent, which you will be able to provide us by clicking on the corresponding tick box.
  • Legal grounds for processing: we will only use your data with prior consent, which you will able to provide us with by clicking on the corresponding tick box.
  • Recipients of personal data: on a general basis, only strictly authorised staff from our company will be able to view the information that we request from you.
  • Legal rights: you have the right to know what information we have about you, correct it and request its deletion, just as it is explained in the additional information available on our website.
  • Additional information: more information can be found in the section: "YOUR SAFE DATA" of our website.


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MWC 2025 - Korea Pavilion